5 Things You May Not Know about Type II Diabetes:

Many people who suffer with Type II Diabetes feel that no matter how hard they try to eat better, exercise and lose weight their blood sugar keep rising throughout the years. They come to us feelling sick and tired of being sick and tired.

The  problem that the majority of Type II Diabetics suffer from is that insulin resistance has set in. This basically means that your body has lost the ability to use insulin correctly. Diabetic medications typically just treat the symptoms of high blood sugar but don’t address the underlying causes as to why you have type II diabetes.

1.) Type II is NOT genetic in most cases.

Although you can have the genetic potential to develop Type II Diabetes, other factors such as lifestyle choices, your ability to handle stress, immune system function etc can determine your genetic potential and the extent to which the disease will affect you.

2.) Type II Diabetes can be reversible.

The body has the amazing wisdom to heal itself. Plain and simple.

3) Prescription Drugs are not the cure for diabetes.

They control the symptoms for high blood sugar, they do not treat the underlying factors that cause it.

4) All doctors do not know the same things about Type II Diabetes.

It is impossible for every doctor to know everything about every condition.

5) Many Organs Contribute to Blood sugar control or lack thereof.

Have you ever noticed your liver, pancreas, adrenal glands or thyroid being tested to find out how they are impacting your disease?

You need to know why you can’t control your blood sugar. We have the answers. We can help

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